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Showing posts from February, 2019


The idea of proceeding to trial in a criminal case, either misdemeanor or felony, seems to be a dying concept in the modern law practice.  Prosecutors are overworked as well as their counterparts, the public defenders.  Private attorneys, who accept court-appointed cases for indigent defendants, often are too busy with their private clients that proper care and preparation just doesn't take place for the poor.  Therefore, the plea bargain has become king even in cases that should be tried. Thus, the following is a list of questions to ask your lawyer in order to determine whether your case is being properly handled: 1.  Have you filed for discovery in my case so that I can know what evidence the State or Government has against me? 2.  Have you reviewed all of the evidence? 3.  What conflicts exist in the evidence?  For example, did one police officer say one thing and another officer say something different? 4.  Did you get the transcrip...